Approaches to Listening Unit #3

Approaches to Listening Instruction

In this unit, we have been learning about how to teach listening skills to ELLs. One of the most common methods, if not the best, is the Krashen's Natural Approach. In this method, the students are exposed to visuals around the classroom, communication is the only focus and not grammar, incorporates plenty of activities for the students to practice, and it is only intended to be used with beginner levels.

As part of this Unit, we have been asked to listen to two different students who are presenting their IELTS testing. Each student has a different CBL level, presenting their unique needs. 
Our job will be to choose one of these students and elaborate a fifteen-minute activity, targeting a segment, suprasegmental or one particular need that the student represents. This has to be something created by us and not something that's already made from a website.

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