Think Aloud Activity

Think Aloud Activity

Residential Schools in Canada

When I began reading the article, I was a bit tense and nervous because I didn't know how the activity was going to turn out. I never thought that I was going to take the full 15 minutes, and then some! I fell short on my last comments, but I think I got most of it in.
There are a few things to consider when it comes to sharing topics with your students, especially social justice issues of this caliber. 1) You have to be knowledgeable of the subject or at least have a good ground about it. 2) Know your audience. Who are you sharing it with? What's the purpose of sharing it?. 3) I think this is the most important - prepare your students for what's coming. I liked how Anna gave us the heads up way before we started reading about residential schools. She even provided a preview of the topic to get us ready for the real deal.
In overall, I must admit that I felt a bit uncomfortable at certain points of the reading, having said that, sharing social justice issues in a classroom are necessary to bring awareness of these unfortunate events that happened and are still happening all over the world. Reconciliation is a topic of its own and a tough one to reach.

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