Needs Assessment
Beginner level: CLB 1-2Classroom funded program in an elementary school.
The teacher will assist students with the first section of the needs assessment. The teacher will read each question and the student will answer the questions to the best of their ability.
Name: ________________________
Date: _________________________
Please answer the following questions.
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. What language do you speak?
4. How do you get to school/class? Check one.
Bus ______ Car _______ Walk _________
For the second part of my assessment, I will use pictures labeled with different topics of interest for the students. I will go through each picture briefly, explaining what they are. Then, I will put each image in different corners of the classroom. The T will call out two topics at the time and ask the students to go to the topic they find more interesting to learn about. The teacher will also mention that not all students have to choose a theme - those students who do not see the choices given interesting enough will stand still until they decide to select a topic they like. The teacher will record the number of students per theme chosen. As a class, we will put all the pictures in order of importance and leave it somewhere in the classroom as a visual tool as a reminder of our current learning.
Joanne Pettis, November 12, 2012, Pictorial Needs Assessment.PDF CLB 1-2 and ESL/EAL Literacy students. Retrieved from
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