TESL 140 - Learning Plan


This is what I have set for my goal for this course; however, it is needless to say that a big part of my learning will be from my fellow classmates and PLN :)

Your goal for this course:
How are you going to learn it?
How will you know you have achieved it?
How will you demonstrate that you have learned it?
Have a better understanding between assessment and evaluation.

Read the assigned readings from this course
Demonstrate my learning by putting it into practice.

Read and discuss this topic with fellow classmates.
Create assessment and evaluation samples.

Participate in the discussion forum.

Learn more about PBLA and how to apply it in the classroom
Ask for input from my PLN friends who are currently applying it in their classrooms.
Have a comfortable level of understanding.
Creating a sample that demonstrates the application of PBLA and ask for feedback from  instructor, PLN, and classmates

Get more familiar with Summative and Diagnostic assessment methods.
 Conduct a bit of research online.
Will have a collection of information about these two methods
 Assessment sample to demonstrate the difference between them.

Learn to choose the appropriate assessment and evaluation according to the students’ level.

Examine different samples of assessment samples offered in the course and online.
Welcome any input or feedback from classmates and/or instructor to enhance my understanding.
Posting on my blog my activity samples for peer and instructor input.

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