Reflecting on Unit #1

Unit #1   Corrective Feedback.

I feel that most ELL students want some or as much corrective feedback from their English teachers in order to improve the language. To me this is necessary. Otherwise, what's the point of learning it.

In my case, my experience of learning English was and still is a learning process. I'm always looking for ways to improve my pronunciation or my grammar and let me tell you,  L1 learners, we are not alone...

The other day, I was talking to my very good friend from work. She was born and raised in Canada, and she was telling me that she always has troubles pronouncing the word " phenomenon." Now for me, that word, I have no problems with, but do not ask me to say, "murder" because I have such a difficult time saying the last sound -"der." Trust me, this is one of those words that I tend to practice saying whenever I can, except at a bus stop.

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