Unit #3: TESL 100

 What Do I Know About The English Language?

If in chapter 2 I asked myself the question of who will I teach, in this unit I ask "what will I teach?"
As an L2 learner that I am, I thought that learning a "little bit" more about the English language was going to be like a refresher for me after so many years that I have been int he process of learning it. Well, it felt like a bucket of cold water poured over me when I began to read Hammer, J (2007). Describing Language, part of our reading material. Talking about the context of meaning in words, the structure of sentences, the function and the variable of the language, etc. left me feeling totally lost and unable to have a clearer understanding of these concepts.
According to Razfar A. and Rumenapp, J.C.2003, there are seven levels of linguistics which represent the language code and are lined up in a traditional progression - smallest unit to largest.

Seven levels of Linguistics image
Through the above levels, we can answer several questions like what do people say? How do people say what they say? What do people mean?  How do values, believes, and social relations mediate power? 
If this unit took us through the basics of Grammar, I could not imagine what TESL 110 will be like. I have to be very honest and say that I found this unit to be very challenging for me. I remember a lot of things when I first began to learn English, but I for sure forgot a lot of the rules that apply to this language.
Also, and as in previous units, we worked on an activity called Task Analysis where we had to develop and deconstruct a task for our learners where they needed to describe symptoms and get appropriate medication from their pharmacist. I liked this activity because it teaches real-life situations and the Ss relate to that. 

Check my Task analysis - pharmacist under Class Activities.

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