Unit 10 : TESL 100

A Moment to Reflect

The Final Stretch

On this post, I am taking a moment to reflect on everything that I have learned so far, not only on this course but on the other TESL courses that I have completed. 
When I first made the decision to begin this journey I was very unsure whether this was going to be the right path for me. I was very insecure about my abilities to do a course online despite my poor tech skills; however, I realized that I was not alone in this. Many of my classmates expressed feeling the same way and that, not to make it sound mean, gave me comfort and confidence to continue thriving for what I want to do, and that is to teach.
I take this moment to do a self-analysis of my learning and recognize that I have areas that I need to improve on. My weakest link at the moment is lesson planning which I had mentioned before. I have set a goal to become more comfortable when creating my lesson before the end of 2018. I also set other goals for other skill areas like speaking, listening, and reading. There is always room for improvement, and I will do as much as I can to enrich my knowledge in these areas as well.
As I go back to the beginning of this course, I think of the question asked in unit one - Who Am I And Who I Want To Become? At the time I didn't have an answer for it, but I think I have one now...

Who am I? I am an L2 learner who wishes to teach the English language to other newcomers and who has gone the process of learning and acquiring a second language too. I am someone who wants to achieve her goals and now feels more confident that this was the right path to take.
Who I want to become? I want to become an adult EAL teacher who's able to give her students all the necessary tools required for them to be successful in their learning. I want to inspire my students by telling my own story and by showing them that there is nothing that says you can't achieve what you dream of.
My journey in life has been challenging, but those challenges have taken me to other moments that have been the best experiences in my life.
Thank you for reading and until next time :)

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